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Insightful Transitions

I help bright and creative adults and college students with ADHD to gain new insight into their special characteristics and how to work with them most effectively.

Cognitive Connections
Cognitive Connections

We are highly experienced, certified speech-language pathologists who specialize in evaluating and treating a wide range of spe...

Noble Academy
Noble Academy

Noble Academy is a private, grades 2-12 day school, that empowers students with ADHD and learning differences to pursue their h...

Featured Deal $31.4415% OFF

The ADHD Project Planner

Get 15% off any order for ADDitude readers with code ADDITUDE15!

Featured Event10/25/2023 - 10/23/2024

Dating Success: Strategies for Making Dating Fun for Adults ages 21 to 50!
Dating Success: Strategies for Making Dating Fun for Adults ages 21 to 50!

a unique, results-oriented support group that helps you achieve profound strides in your dating life! Along with a small, inti...

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