Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Microforms and Mucus

All foods ingested into the body are digested and eventually burnt down to an ash residue. Depending on the mineral content of the foods consumed, these ash residue can be acidic, neutral or alkaline. While calcium, magnesium, potassium and sodium are basically neutral, sulphur, phosphorus, iodine and chlorine leave behind acidic residue. Overacidification creates a conducive environment for the overgrowth of microforms. An excess of acids and an overgrowth of negative microforms are twin pillars of the root causes of most illnesses and diseases!

Generally, vegetables and fruits like salads and raw foods are more alkaline when eaten raw. Various kinds of meats, processed and refined stuffs are more acidifying and so are most cooked foods. The human body creates mucus as a natural defence against acids. The mucus will bind the acids and escort them out of the body. Hence, mucus serves an important role of detoxification!

Contrary to most beliefs, the typical 'food pyramid' of consuming more carbohydrates and meats has more acidic food components than most of us can handle. For those who just started out to detoxify their body, it is advisable to consume more vegetables and fruits as they contain more alkaline salts that will protect the body from microform overgrowth and the accumulation of mycotoxins.

Most dairy and animal protein foods when consumed tend to produce mucus. Such acidic foods trap fecal materials and toxic waste that promote the growth of negative microforms. Lack of digestive enzymes and probiotics, coupled with a lack if sleep and a sedentary lifestyle will lead to an accumulation of the slimy sticky mucus on the walls of the colon. Their presence also slows the passage of waste materials in the lower bowel, causing higher toxicity buildup in the body.

The result of this can vary from constipation, heartburn, bloating, ulcers and gastritis. All these are caused by the overgrown of microforms in the gastrointestinal tract. Very often, a coated tongue, foul ordor, diarrhea, cramps and intestinal pain are symptoms of the inflammation caused by the overgrown microforms.

Microforms, if left unchecked can bore through the colon wall and enter the bloodstream. Hence, the blood can get toxic due to the presence of microforms. Through the blood circulation system, it can invade the different parts of the body, including cells, tissues and organs. In the worst case, it can negatively impact the lymphatic system, skeletal structure, central nervous system and the bone marrow!

Such penetration of microforms into the body can also cause damage to the nerve reflexes of the lower intestines. Disruptive impulses like headaches can disturb and weaken our body reflex system.

Thus when too much acidic foods are consumed, there is a corresponding increase in microforms and hence, mucus secretion. A spike in mucus/acid mixture can lead to congestion, indigestion, nasal and lung congestion, frequent coughing and throat clearing.

To correct these dire consequences, one need to restore the intestines (guts) to its proper pH balance. A proper probiotic supplement with the consumption of friendly bacteria like lactobacillus and bifidobacterium will help to restore balance somewhat. However, a longer term solution is to make a dietary change that will stuff out the microforms and mycotoxins, and less mucus secretion, with a skewed alkaline diet.

Adrian Fah is also the owner of

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