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Question Posted Thursday June 29 2006, 1:16 am

I have really bad cramps right now. Is there anything I can eat or drink to help them not be so bad? I don't want to take medicine though.

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Paigeleigh answered Saturday January 21 2012, 8:00 am:
This might not be much help if you already have cramps... But what I usually do is take ibuprofen all day, cramps or no cramps so they don't start. I usually start doing this after the first day of my period. So I definatly recommend you try it. And bananas really help, if you eat bananas everyday in the long run you'll have less cramps.

~ Paige Leigh

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gracie14 answered Wednesday December 29 2010, 8:46 am:
When im on my period, or have cramps, i usually try to eat healthy, because candy and other sweets and fats dont make me feel and better. so try to eat some fruit. also, doing aerobic exercises and stretches helps a lot. make sure not to put your self in any discomfort though. take a hot bath or put a hot pad or warm water bottle where you are having cramps. laying down on your back even just helps sometimes.

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Peeps answered Wednesday November 11 2009, 2:03 am:
Heating pads usually help relieve these sorts of pains because, in actuality, it's similar to muscle cramps. Basically, the muscle of your uterus is contracting to help shed and expel the old uterine lining. This being said, heat helps to relax those muscles for contracting so strongly.

Now, since heating pads are, obviously, not available at may want to look into some of those ThermaCare patches made specifically for menstrual times. My friend used some and, as I recall, you basically just peel one side off and sticky it to your panties where they touch your lower abdomen (where the cramps are) and it releases heat for ~6+ hours.

Here is the website for the ThermaCare patches for Menstrual Cramps, which includes a listing of places that currently sell such products (Wal-Mart, CVS, RiteAid, basically any pharmacy or drug store):

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

So, you could carry one of these sort of patches in your purse and excuse yourself to the restroom when you're cramping a lot and waiting for the medicine to kick in, apply the patch in the bathroom, and go about your daily life without anyone knowing that you applied anything.

If you are having debilitating cramps you really should talk with your doctor about this. Dysmenorrhea, or cramping and pain during menstruation, is serious. This is the leading cause of lost time from school and work among women.

There could be an underlying issue within or outside the uterus (for example, pelvic inflammatory disease, leiomyoma, endometriosis, adhesions, adenomyosis, uterine displacement, or a retroverted uterus). Endometriosis is the most common cause of dysmenorrhea.

Endometriosis is a serious condition and can leave you infertile if left alone since it results in scar tissue. This means, the lining of the uterus is growing outside of the uterus, where it's suppose to be. This causes the body to be unable to expel it properly. The tissue still detaches and bleeds but is left in your body.

Endometriosis occurs in one in every 5 females. Usually diagnosed between ages 30 and 40; however, it is not unheard of at younger ages. Here is the Wikipedia page about it (which has the symptoms listed):

[Link](Mouse over link to see full location)

As for other methods of relief, here are a few, listed out:

1. Start birth control pills.
Many gynecologist recommend birth control pills which regulate and sometimes decrease menstrual cramps.

2. Start an exercise routine.
During menstrual cramps, the last thing on your mind is exercise. However, many women find that after they establish an exercise regimen, cramps are lessened. After several months, your menstrual flow may be lighter and less painful.

Try light aerobic exercise, swimming, meditating, or a short jog.

3. Change to a healthier diet.
Try to stay away from eating only junk food or food that does not make you feel better. During or right before your period, make an effort to eat more balanced meals, iron-rich foods (eggs, meat, poultry, fish, beans, nuts), fresh fruit, vegetables, and vitamin supplements.

Taking a calcium supplement daily (all through the month) has helped many women lessen menstrual cramps.

4. Drink lots of liquids (hot and cold).
Most women don't drink the recommended 8-10 glasses of water (or juice) a day. Try and cut down on soda and coffee. If you feel bloated, lethargic, or if you have constipation or diarrhea, be sure to drink lots of water.

Abstain from alcohol. If you tend to retain water during your period, alcohol will only add to your problems.

Cut out caffeine. The caffeine in coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate can contribute to menstrual discomfort by making you nervous. Go caffeine-free. The oils in coffee also may irritate your intestines.

5. Get your feet rubbed.
The foot contains acupressure or trigger points that are believed to be connected along internal energy pathways to your pelvic area. Feel for these spots (which will be sensitive during your period) in the depressions above either side of your heel. Gently press in with your thumb and fingertips. Do the same along the sides of your Achilles tendon, moving up toward your calf muscle.

Try this acupressure technique for a few minutes on each foot. In my experience, this always works for me, especially when I'm having trouble falling asleep because of the cramping.

I hope you find some relief for your killer cramps and maybe even get checked out by a doctor. It's better to be safe than to find out years later you may be unable to have children because you let this problem go on too long. If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask me! :)

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YoRachh answered Saturday October 13 2007, 2:04 pm:
sometimes sunflower seeds help me and water and if you have a laptop just put it on yr stomach and relax and it helps

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more_than_a_feeling answered Wednesday July 12 2006, 4:23 pm:
Try taking does miracles. Other than that just get some excercise, sleep a little more, drink lots of water, take a hot bath, avoid caffeine and junk food.

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xolilabbs214ox answered Friday June 30 2006, 1:19 pm:
mi mom used to tell mi cousin to do a headstand. bc when you do u are upside down and it takes all the pressure off your ovaries.

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PinkLady4863 answered Thursday June 29 2006, 7:00 pm:
bananas and other food high in potassium will effectively help cramps. Also, as mard as it seems, activity will make the cramps go away so if you get up and move, scrub floors (i find this one to ALWAYS work), or go running the cramps will go away.

remember, bananas are the best and most effective way to avoid cramps.

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xomichelle891xo answered Thursday June 29 2006, 6:54 pm:
Is it caused by your period? Because you could take Midol or just tylenol. But, since you dont want to take medicine, drink hot liquids, like tea. Lay down. If you have a heating pad or a hot water bottle, use that. Also, sometimes it helps to excercise.

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smartgirl321 answered Thursday June 29 2006, 6:47 pm:
eat hot soup because warm or hot usually makes you feel better. if you dont want to eat or drink naything, put a heating pad or a water bottle filed with hot water on your stomach. heat really helps.

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sexybandgeek answered Thursday June 29 2006, 6:30 pm:
Heating pads, a fuzzy kitty, wool sweaters, and hot cocoa..

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Mackenzie answered Thursday June 29 2006, 10:21 am:
You have many options here: It's well known that regular physical activity helps reduce the cramping in some women, so there's an idea. You could also try taking a warm bath and using aromatherapy. Applying a heating pad on your lower abdomen or back should do wonders. If you don't have a heating pad, you can make one by simply filling a sock with rice and heating it in the microwave for a few minutes [must sound silly, but if the cramps get bad enough, it just might be worth it]. Also, many women start taking pills around the clock from the time their cycle starts, until it ends. And in case you change your mind on the medicine thing, any pain killer will do. I reccommend Ibuprofen, Extra Strength Advil or Midol -- it's also best to take medication will a meal, that way the risk of stomach discomfort is slimmed. [:

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orphans answered Thursday June 29 2006, 4:35 am:
When I have really bad Cramps I know I eat chocolate and drink water. any other drinks would bloat you and hurt. maybe a warm glass of milk. you could also use honey and milk I find this quite relaxing. When I do have cramps I tend to take long baths with scented candles and inscence to help me relax. I then pick my favorite music and lie down and read.

Hope this helps?


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Kit_Kat answered Thursday June 29 2006, 3:18 am:
I know you said eat or drink, but the only thing I can honestly say that seems to help me is a nice hot bath or a heating pad on your tummy, my daughter said that Ginger ale seems to sooth her , hot tea is another thought, but the warm/hot soak in a bath or heating pad is a gurantee to get some comfort.

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darkprince13 answered Thursday June 29 2006, 1:58 am:
lots of water orks for me, ass well as stretching. Also, I know there are fruits with something in them to help cramps, I know bananas are one of them.

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lilly_pads79 answered Thursday June 29 2006, 1:57 am:
I eat bananas. I just helps, also don't drink caffiene! Hope for the best!


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HCOxBABE answered Thursday June 29 2006, 1:35 am:
Ah gosh, I have the same problem. Drinking lots of water always helps because it keeps you hydrated, eating bananas helps, walking a lot reduces cramps, & laying on your stomach or putting a hot pad on your stomach makes cramps go away. Make sure not to drink a lot of soda or caffeine though because that makes cramps worse.

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DonutHolez567 answered Thursday June 29 2006, 1:31 am:
These things sould help.
Hot tea
a warm Bath or shower
a heating pad
movies or something to take your mind ooff them
and sleeeepp
also sometimes laying on your tummy is helpful

hope that helps cramps suck

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klc23 answered Thursday June 29 2006, 1:31 am:
the best thing to do is take medicine for it.. caffine makes cramps worse.. so try not to get so much caffine

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