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The After Hours Community Band

William G. Mack

Page Updated 04/11/99

Photo of Bill Mack

William G. Mack is director of bands emeritus at Missouri Western State College in St. Joseph, Missouri. In addition to being a professional educator, Mack has more than 35 years of experience judging, guest conducting and lecturing throughout the Midwest. He is an active jazz trumpet player and owns and operates Music Advisory Consulting Services. After receiving his Bachelor's degree from Central Missouri State University in 1951, Mack began his conducting career with the 571st U.S. Air Force Band in Austin, Texas. At Gallatin and Park Hill High Schools, Mack's bands received first-division ratings for twenty-four consecutive years. He assumed his position at Missouri Western in 1977 and retired in 1987. From 1989 to 1990, he served as interim director of bands at Wichita State University. He was named to the Missouri Bandmasters Hall of Fame in 1987 and was the recipient of the Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Orpheus Award in 1985. In 1994, Mack was presented the John Philip Sousa Legion of Honor Award. Mr. Mack received his Master's degree from CMSU and has done additional work at the University of Texas and the University of Missouri at Kansas City.


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