Behavior therapy for ADHD Children

If you are experiencing behavioral problems in ADHD children, rest assured that there is hope. Behavior therapy for ADHD is an effective tool that, when combined with other treatments, can make a world of difference in the lives of hyperactive children. Doctors, psychiatrists, health care providers, ADHD patients and their family members all can make use it to bring about healthy changes for children.

These problems can drive parents crazy at times. However, there are certain behavioral techniques for ADHD that can be used in conjunction with ADHD behavior charts that can be very helpful. I have provided some ideas that will help.

Behavioral ADHD Therapy Techniques

Dr. Domeena Renshaw has written a very helpful book entitled The Hyperactive Child that addresses ADHD children and their issues in depth. Here are 18 behavioral techniques for ADHD that Dr. Renshaw has included in her book.

1. Be consistent with rules and discipline.

2. Keep your own voice quiet and slow. Anger is normal but is ineffective, especially for ADHD children. Anger can be controlled and does not mean you do not love your child.

3. Try to keep your emotions cool by planning for turmoil. Recognize and respond to any positive behavior, however small. If you search for good things, you will find them.

4. Avoid a ceaselessly negative approach: “Stop.” “Don’t.” “No.”

5. Separate behavior, which you may not like, from the child’s person (e.g., “I like you. I don’t like your tracking mud through the house.”).

6. Establish a clear routine. Construct a timetable for waking, eating, play, television, study, chores and bedtime. Follow it flexibly when he disrupts it. Slowly your structure will reassure him until he develops his own.

7. Demonstrate new or difficult tasks, using action accompanied by short, clear, quiet explanations. Repeat the demonstration until learned, using audiovisual-sensory perceptions to reinforce the learning. The memory traces of a hyperactive child take longer to form. Be patient and repeat.

8. Designate a separate room or a part of a room that is his special area. Avoid brilliant colors or complex patterns in decor. Simplicity, solid colors, minimal clutter and a worktable facing a blank wall away from distractions help concentration. A hyperactive child cannot filter overstimulation.

9. Do one thing at a time: Give him one toy from a closed box; clear the table of everything else when coloring; turn off the radio/television when he is doing homework. Multiple stimuli prevent his concentration from focusing on his primary task.

10. Give him responsibility, which is essential for growth. The task should be within his capacity, although the assignment may need much supervision. Acceptance and recognition of his efforts (even when imperfect) should not be forgotten.

11. Read his pre-explosive warning signals. Quietly intervene to avoid explosions by distracting him or discussing the conflict calmly. Removal from the battle zone to the sanctuary of his room for a few minutes can help.

12. Restrict playmates to one or two at a time because he is so excitable. Your home is more suitable so you can provide structure and supervision. Explain your rules to the playmate and briefly tell the other parent your reasons.

13. Do not pity, tease, be frightened by or overindulge your child. He has a special condition of the nervous system that is manageable.

14. Know the name and dose of his medication. Give it regularly. Watch and remember the effects to report back to your physician.

15. Openly discuss with your physician any fears you have about the use of medications.

16. Lock up all medications to avoid accidental misuse.

17. Always supervise the taking of medication, even if it is routine over a long period of years. Responsibility remains with the parents! One day’s supply at a time can be put in a regular place and checked routinely as he becomes older and more self-reliant.

18. Share your successful tips with his teacher.

The ways to help your hyperactive child that are listed above are as important to him as diet and insulin are to a diabetic child. These will be helpful to all children, but they are essential for the ADHD child.

Many parents have found that vitamin and herbal treatments for ADHD are very effective, especially when combined with behavioral therapy. focus formula is a product we have used in our home to help reduce hyperactive behavior and improve concentration.

The manufacturer of focus formula, Native Remedies, has combined the herbs that have been shown to be most effective for improving ADHD issues into one product, making it easy to use consistently. Consistent use is essential for ADHD supplements to work.

The Technology/Behavior Link

In today's society, the amount of time children spend using technology is incredible. Many hours each day are spent playing video games, watching television, texting, and chatting with friends or even people they do not know.

Not only can this be dangerous, but it also has an impact on social and mental development. We have found that after playing video games for several hours, our son becomes rude and more aggressive. After a week long period of "detox", his behavior makes a 180 degree turnaround.

While not all children will be impacted in this way by playing intense RPG games, many will. We recommend setting up structure around time and frequency of use of technology.

Behavior Modification for ADHD Children

There are many effective techniques parents can use to change disrespectful and angry behavior. As a matter of fact, there are things parents often do that actually rewards this type of behavior. The problem is that we don't realize it.

It is beneficial to have a third party's input to help see the mistakes we are making and to learn techniques that actually work with ADHD children. If the problem is severe, family therapy may be essential.

However, there are some extremely helpful parenting skills programs that can teach effective techniques for far less commitment of time and financial resources.

We have found one of the best programs available for making permanent changes in a child's behavior to be the Total Transformation. This in depth program provides training in proven parenting skills, such as communication, discipline and behavioral modification.

Along with this, it shows parents the most effective ways to deal with behavior issues to bring about amazingly fast improvement in the behavior and attitudes of pre-teen children as well as teenagers. Visit the Total Transformation to learn about steps you can take to produce lasting change in your child.

You may also be interested in:
How to help ADHD children in the classroom and at home.
Choosing an ADHD Therapist.

Note: ADHD Child Parenting is an affiliate marketing partner of Legacy Publishing because we believe in their programs. We know they work and have had a profound impact on many families.