An American Tragedy
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This site and our .net and .org sites are our efforts to give a voice to real tragedies that occur every day in our American community. 

links to commercial tragedies. Media? Tobacco? Gun Manufacturers? Legal Drug Abuse?

links to institutional tragedies. Public Education? The American Judiciary? Congress? The Presidency? State Legislatures? 

links to personal tragedies that have no other voice and are lost in the histrionic din of corporate media or denied access.

War? Poverty? Accident? Catastrophic Illness? Racisim?

Our intent is to provide an opportunity for every American to share his/her perspective of what is or is not An American Tragedy.

anamericantragedy.COM links are exactly that , "commercial"
anamericantragedy.NET links may be "commercial" or "non-profit"
anamericantragedy.ORG links for non-commercial or personal posting
P.O.Box 65356
Baton Rouge LA
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There are Countless American Tragedies
Copyright © aVe 2009