

17 May 2007
Last week we launched OurKingdom, a new kind of openDemocracy project – something with a regional not global focus. As Tony Blair moves closer to his exit and Gordon Brown speaks on the possibility of a written constitution, there is an opportunity for change in Britain not seen since 1997. And changes are badly needed. OurKingdom exists to discuss what these changes should be – to talk about where Britain is going. It will discuss its nations, institutions, constitution, administration, liberties, justice, peoples and media and their principles, identity and character. In a word its democracy, in its broadest meaning, its history and future, from culture, participation and issues of centralisation and authority to equality, rights, responsibilities and who rules. OurKingdom is meant to be inclusive. It’s not an implicit defence of the monarchy – but it is an acknowledgement of their existence. It’s not an attempt to keep people who aren’t British ‘out’ – if anything, it’s an attempt to broaden the definition of what ‘British’ means. It’s for anyone who is interested in the future of democracy in Britain – anyone who is interested in having a say in what ‘our kingdom’ means.
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