Repairing homes, revitalizing communities, rebuilding lives.


Blog Posts

May 31, 2024
As a first-year Occupational Therapy doctoral (OTD) student at Howard University, my fellowship experience with Rebuilding Together in West Virginia was nothing short of a whirlwind. Packed into three days were experiences that provided me with invaluable insights that have profoundly shaped my understanding of occupational therapy's role in promoting not only aging in place, but also health and well-being. 
May 24, 2024
In mid-April, my coworkers and I had the privilege of meeting in Montgomery, AL for our annual all-staff meeting. These meetings are a time when we gather with one another to plan and reflect on the work of Rebuilding Together. In a now mostly Zoom-filled world it offered us the chance to have authentic in-person conversations and work together as leaders forging a way forward for our network and our collective vision – safe homes and communities for everyone. 

