A Parent’s Guide to Proficiency Based Learning

A Parent’s Guide to Proficiency Based Learning The core premise of proficiency based learning is quite simple: “Schools teach students the most important skills and knowledge they will need to succeed in life and make sure students have learned them.” While schools aspire to this goal, what you might not realize is that many of…

Proficiency/Competency Based Learning in NGSS Classrooms

“What is proficiency-based learning, are we doing it in our science classrooms, and if not, what will we have to change so that we do so?” The Next Gen Science Standards has perhaps completed the shift that was started by the Vermont Framework of Standards. This shift has been a move from memorization, linear labs…

Hunting Camouflage Website Launched

If you are a hunter you will appreciate a product launched by See3D, a revolutionary new type of camouflage. In a market that is packed with competitors, both big and small, See3D is launching something different, a lightweight camouflage suit that makes you invisible to deer AND visible to hunters at the same time. Their…

Get More Email Newsletter Signups With These Easy Tips

Over the years I have seen, used and created a lot of email newsletters and sign up forms. At Joomlashack I was able to use strategies that grew our email list to over 350,000. At Compass Designs over 70,000 people were interested enough to sign up. At this point, I am  cynical, I’ll see through…

Proficiency Based Learning Resources

Sometimes called “Standards-Based”, here are some resources for those interested in finding out more about Proficiency Based Learning and Grading. For Parents How Does Proficiency-Based Learning Work? What Is Proficiency-Based Grading? For Teachers Ten Principles of Proficiency-Based Learning Proficiency-based grading and reporting Seven Reasons for Standards-Based Grading Reconcilable Differences? Standards-Based Teaching and Differentiation Educational Leadership:Effective Grading Practices (ASCD…

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