Inspire Your Students

At the Intersection of Art & Science

Fuelblue is not just another educational content provider; we're pioneering a new horizon for K-12 learning. With a focus on high-quality, innovative programs, we offer unique STEAM educational experiences that you won't find anywhere else.

Our mission is to inspire educators and students alike, transforming traditional classroom dynamics into gateways of profound understanding and critical thinking.

Climate Education Grades 3-5

Planet Bonehead STEAM education for grades 3-5

Dive into an immersive world where climate education comes alive for young minds. Empower your students with knowledge and stewardship for our planet through engaging storytelling and cutting-edge science.

Art Fueled Science Grades 9-12

Quantassey STEAM education for grades 9-12

Venture beyond the basics of science with a program that intertwines art, history, and innovation. Discover how creativity fuels scientific breakthroughs and prepare your students for a future where imagination meets ingenuity.

Video Series

Teacher Resources

Classroom Resources

Art Lesson Plans

STEAM Lesson Plans

Outdoor Lesson Plans

Join over 30,000 teachers using Fuelblue since 2009

I’m Bobby Donohue

I empower educators to explore the intersections of art, science, and technology.

Teaching complex STEAM topics is a challenge, especially when resources, knowledge, and support are scarce.

Through inspiring videos, lessons, and activities, I help you introduce students to groundbreaking ideas in a clear and engaging way. My resources ignite curiosity and prepare students for a future where imagination and science converge to solve real-world problems.

Oh, and I know most “free trials” are risky, but my Free Forever Membership gives you full access to select units of Planet Bonehead and Quantassey—no credit card or cancellation required. Hope that helps.

Copyright © 2024 Fuelblue and Bobby Donohue. All rights reserved. Fuelblue, Planet Bonehead, Quantassey, The Quantum Odyssey, It's Your Planet Too!, Think Like Engineers!, HOPE Headquarters, You Have the Power!, all logos, and all characters are trademarks of Bobby Donohue.