Identity Systems – WEF Global Influence – Urban Development – Ties to Nazism

Privacy and security concerns are at an all-time high. The nations are mere pawns in his eyes. Schwab's agenda is not so hidden anymore!

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    Breaking News

    The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

    The FBI and CIA Are Enemies of the American People

    Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson sat down for a three-hour-plus discussion on the Joe Rogan Show last week, covering everything from UFOs to religion and artificial intelligence. But perhaps the most important topic they covered was the insidious and dangerous role played by the US regime’s intelligence agencies in America. 

    Scientists Say A “Flu Virus” Will Be The Cause Of The Next Pandemic

    Scientists Say A “Flu Virus” Will Be The Cause Of The Next Pandemic

    Fifty-seven percent of leading disease specialists predict that a strain of the flu virus will be the source of the next major infectious disease outbreak that strikes the world and becomes a pandemic.  This idea is based on long-term study depicting that influenza is constantly evolving and mutating, Cologne University’s Jon Salmanton-Garcia, who carried out the study, said.

    Nuclear War Back on the Table; I’m Loading Up on SILVER!!

    Nuclear War Back on the Table; I’m Loading Up on SILVER!!

    I’ve been here before, only I didn’t know it. When I born in the summer of 1984, the world had already escaped nuclear holocaust on a number of occasions, but the biggest close calls happened in the early 1980s, with one of them so close to a Soviet-American thermonuclear war that the Soviet officer who de-escalated the event is dubbed “the man that saved the world” – Stanislav Petrov.

    THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders.

    THE END OF HUMANITY – As Planned By The Global Leaders.

    Did you know there is an official agenda, one which is heavily promoted by the World Economic Forum to replace the human race with robots, cyborgs and AI? Their plan is to end the era of humanity and usher in a new era of neo-humanity, in which people are a mix of man and machine and our thoughts and emotions will be monitored by AI.

    “Weekend At Bernie’s Economy”: Joe Biden, Seeking Another Term, Wheels Out The Corpse Of The U.S. Economy

    “Weekend At Bernie’s Economy”: Joe Biden, Seeking Another Term, Wheels Out The Corpse Of The U.S. Economy

    When I was a kid, “Weekend at Bernie’s” was one of my all-time favorite movies.  In that film, two guys worked really hard to convince everyone that their boss was still alive so that they wouldn’t get into trouble.  I remember laughing throughout that entire movie.  Today, the Biden administration is working really hard to convince all of us that the U.S. economy is still alive, and that isn’t funny at all.  A horrific cost of living crisis is absolutely crushing millions of U.S. households, large companies are conducting mass layoffs all over the nation, and the real estate industry is in a gigantic mess.  But Joe Biden and his minions would have us believe that everything is just fine.

    U.S. Cities Fall Into A “Doom Loop” As The CRE Crisis Absolutely Explodes

    U.S. Cities Fall Into A “Doom Loop” As The CRE Crisis Absolutely Explodes

    In the entire history of the United States, we have never witnessed an urban collapse of this magnitude.  During the pandemic, millions of Americans started working from home, and many of them have never returned to the office.  Meanwhile, rapidly rising levels of crime, homelessness, and migration have transformed many of our inner cities into extremely dangerous places.  As a result, thousands upon thousands of businesses have left our core urban areas in search of greener pastures.  So now there is lots and lots of commercial real estate space that is sitting empty, and commercial real estate prices have absolutely plummeted.