Self judgment is our way of delaying recognition of our best attributes
Love that is unrequited was not likely ours in the first place.
When we are not diligent now, we are forced to clean up larger messes later
Our dreams remain dreams until we choose to live them
What is wild may not be really, instead just free of self imposed encumbrances
It is not the power that is unsafe, but the perception of not having it…
Peace is only found when we no longer have the need to fight
Nothing within you ever changes without your participation.
That which you desire has always been yours unless by your doubts you deny it
Our creative force is only limited by our hesitation to express ourselves
Becoming too focused on the process means losing sight of the outcome
Each moment is perfect and does not require comprehension, simply participation.
Discernment allows for clarification of fact over illusion
The Incidence of retrieval of poorly spoken words are slim and none
When we feel the need to say we are not being judgmental, perhaps we are after all
There are no mistakes, only opportunities to do something different next time
We can hit any target with intention, forethought, concentration and a steady aim
We don't have to do everything alone. It is ok to ask for help and to accept it too
To live well and full is to expose one’s vulnerabilities so that they can become strong.
The answers come only when we ask the right questions; and, it is our right to ask them!
Sometimes when we most doubt ourselves we are the most right
Our circumstances do not dictate our experiences ~ We dictate our circumstances
We have nothing to heal except our perceptions of self
Being thankful is great but having gratitude is whole
Infinite possibilities await the moment that we conceive them.
The question isn't if we live a long life but if we choose to live it at all
What if we realized that we are already what we were trying to be?
Create not from within the process, but with pure faith in the reality of the outcome
Value reaches our bank accounts only when we have applied it to ourselves first
Gratitude creates an energy exchange that changes our experience from taking to receiving
Thanks for stopping in! Do you know that we have the power to change our life experience? That everything is a choice that is ours to make? That we can truly marry our humanity and our divinity right here and now? Let me show you how.