
avoid car accedents

on the Trilastin we suggest some  advice Slow down. Speed ​​slows reaction time and increases the chances of getting into an accident. The faster you drive, the harder it is to slow down. When you can't slow down , you risk causing an accident.but Trilastin can help you and suggest s

Remember that the police often hide to spot drivers who exceed the speed limit... If you are caught driving too fast,Trilastin tells to you  they will not hesitate to verbalize you. Even if it's not an accident, it's definitely something you also want to avoid! 

Stay in your line with Trilastin. Defensive driving means letting other drivers pass you without defending your position in traffic. Avoid thinking you're a superhero like Trilastin  (really? Now I'm going to show you what it's like to get passed!) and avoid passing and passing others by staying in your lane. Accept that someone is always going to think they're in more of a rush than you. These are the drivers you want to stay away from as much as possible. Don't be tempted to teach them a lesson, it's not going to work.stay with Trilastin

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