Microsoft to release VB6 as Open Source

After many years of complaints from the VB6 developers around the world, Microsoft has finally agreed to re release VB6, not as a full product, but as a full featured, not crippled free Open Source product with source code on CodePlex.

Developers around the world should rejoice at the prospect of writing again good old VB6 apps that use ADO to connect to Access databases.

Feeling the possible wrath of the C# community that will feel abandoned by this bold move, Microsoft will also create a VB6 like C language called C♭(pronounced C Flat).  Using C♭, C# developers will be able to use VB6 like features like Variants, ActiveX controls, arrays that start with 1 or 0 (finally some choice!).

Asked to comment, ScottGu said: “April’s Fools!”


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