Product Locator Service

The Product Locator Service has been discontinued. Use our industry-leading Product Search to find great products to sell. Buy directly from active wholesale Suppliers.

Category Last Request

How to Use the Product Locator Service’s Product Locator Service helps you, the wholesale buyer, to locate hard to find products by delivering your requests directly to the suppliers who can fulfill them - the registered wholesalers listed on Wholesale Central.

It is easy to sign up, post and track requests, protect or disclose your identity, and deal with legitimate, pre-qualified suppliers who are eager for your business.

  1. To use the service you must be a member of the free Buyers Network. If you are not already a member, click here to join.
  2. Click the POST A REQUEST link at the top of this page. You must be logged in to your Buyers Network account to post a request.
  3. On the request form, type in the name of the product you are seeking, and offer as much detail about it as you can. Then choose from the 41 different product categories.
  4. Click the Send button and you are on the way to finding what you seek.

After you click Send, your request is sent to all of the suppliers on who have subscribed to receive requests in the category you selected. Your request is also posted on the public Product Locator Board for 60 days. Replies to your requests are stored in your personal “Message Center” in your Buyers Network account.

A Safe Haven
Once you make a request for merchandise on the Product Locator, only suppliers who are registered on can compete for your business. If you feel that a supplier is either spamming or scamming you, it is an easy matter to report them to Wholesale Central. Every report is promptly investigated and abusers are banned from the system.

BUYERS: When making a request, be as specific and realistic as possible. The more you tell your potential suppliers, the easier it is for them to gauge their readiness to serve you.

If you are seeking several different kinds of merchandise, post each request separately under the appropriate category, rather than requesting many different products in a single post. This will insure your requests are getting to the right suppliers.

SUPPLIERS: If you believe you have the right product for a reseller, offer as much detail as possible in your Product Locator reply. If you do not have exactly the right product, you should be careful about replying, because the buyer could flag your response as spam. Also remember to include your website address and other contact information, but do not assume that just copy-and-pasting your URL is sufficient to close a sale. If the reseller has specific questions, e.g., if a specific item is your main product line, answer these up front before providing the URL.