Our Speakers share their stories to try and show workplaces and management groups the REAL impact that workplace incidents can have and the reason that we must all be involved in SAFETY.

Our stories bring reality to all of the effort and resources that a business puts into safety, most people need a REASON to use the training and systems and procedures that you put in place. Our Speakers give them that reason by showing and explaining how their workplace accidents changed their lives and affected many of the people around them.

The stories we tell are not about statistics or procedures, they are real life messages on how getting hurt or killed while doing your job will change your life!


We want to work with you on your safety & wellbeing journey.

We will discuss the right speaker, combination of speakers around the relevant themes and topics that your people will relate to.

We can tailor a presentation for you that can include a speaker to visit your workplace, safety day or conference.

We will take the guesswork out of what you need to come up with for your next safety theme.

We want to evolve the way employees think about safety, the old days of being told what to do or doing it because you ’Have’ to do it are gone!

James Wood



Before James came to share his story at Komatsu I only knew of him through a random add on LinkedIn. We wanted to break the stigma around the “safety police” tag HSE leaders get associated with and show that we are actually a resource for the people.

Having James come in and share his personal experiences helped us engage the workforce in breaking down the barriers we have faced in our duty of care. James story hit deep within for a lot of people and could see a genuine change in mannerism as people left the presentation. Sometimes people need that little reminder that they are not invincible.
Thanks so much for your honesty and being so open with your journey James, from all of us here at Komatsu, thank you 🙂

Amanda Wright
HSE Advisor

What a charismatic, lovely guy Woody is. To show strangers his vulnerability and relay his personal experiences in the hope to change peoples behaviours and outcomes is extraordinary. Woody left Komatsu Welshpool in WA with 1000 new mates for life. Thanks for sharing your story with us mate.

Neil Camillo
HSE Manager

Alan’s story was very relevant to the apprentices who attended. His story had funny moments, shocking moments and sad moments. All were received well by the audience. Thank you Alan for sharing your story!

Rebecca Harris
Workforce Development Advisor

I loved Michaels ability to peel back a very difficult and complex subject in a way that is (real, transparent and factual), we all are told or reminded to “be in the present, practice mindfulness and be kind to yourself”, its almost the modern mantra for 2020. If you really want to know why you should take this advice seriously, I suggest taking one hour to listen to Michael would be a good start.


