All about the IBM 1130 Computing System

IBM 1130 at the Osaka World's Fair

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The IBM 1130 Computing System was introduced in 1965. It was IBM's least-expensive computer to date, and was aimed at price-sensitive, computing-intensive technical markets like education and engineering. It became quite popular, and the 1130 and its non-IBM clones gave many people their first feel of "personal computing." Though its price-performance ratio was good and it notably included inexpensive disk storage, it otherwise broke no new ground technically. The 1130 holds a place in computing history primarily because of the fondness its former users hold for it.

We are 1130 enthusiasts who operate this web site for other enthusiasts, to make a place where others can exchange information and memories about it. We are not an official IBM site, if that isn't obvious; check if you need them.

The most popular pages on this site (places you might want to look first) are:

  • The 1130 simulator lets you run an 1130 (with FORTRAN, RPG, or APL) on your home system.

  • The "11/30" party happens more or less annually and gets together a bunch of IBM 1130 fans -- developers, programmers, maintainers, and users.

If you have stories, suggestions, or comments, or you just want to hear about site updates, we'd love to hear from you! Please use our feedback form (entries are mailed to both of us immediately, and one of us will write you back soon), or, if you prefer, write us directly. Norm Aleks's address is norm and Brian Knittel's is brian, both