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A model of longevity, Pacific Corporate Group (PCG) was one of the first firms to provide comprehensive private equity investment advisory services to sophisticated institutional investors. Over the past eighteen years, PCG has emerged as a leader in the private equity industry and continues to focus exclusively on alternative investments.

Pacific Corporate Group was founded in 1979 and has developed into a research-driven private equity investment firm. PCG’s advisory and private equity investment experience dates back to 1989, when it was retained exclusively by CalPERS to help develop the system’s Alternative Investment Management Program. In 2007, PCG reorganized into three operating subsidiaries: PCG Asset Management, LLC (“PCG AM”), PCG Capital Partners, LLC (“PCG CP”) and PCG International (“PCGI”) to better serve the unique private equity needs of our clients.

Pacific Corporate Group is headquartered in La Jolla, California.

Pacific Corporate Group
Pacific Corporate Group