aHead-Space - Inspired Leadership


Who I am




Tim Small

aHead-Space provides education leaders with
personal, professional and practical support
to transform their schools.

Transformation requires inspirational leadership.

Leadership is about:

  • Engaging with people
  • Engaging with change

Transformation is founded on:

  • Personal power and conviction
  • Authenticity
  • Deeply held values
  • Clarity of purpose
  • Positive relationships

Three questions:

Is now the time to renew your own commitment to the values that led you into education?

Is your school ready to be transformed by those values?

Can we work together to meet the challenge
of inspiring that transformation?


The work of authentic educational leaders is transformational insofar as they promote and support transformational teaching and learning for their students. To do this they must bring their deepest principles, beliefs, values and convictions to their work. The ethic of authenticity is at the very heart and soul of educational leadership...
Duignan, P. (2006) Educational leadership: Key Challenges and Ethical Tensions, Cambridge University Press p 131

The reservoir of hope is the calm centre at the heart of the individual leader, the 'still point in the turning world' from which their value and vision flows and which continues to allow effective interpersonal engagement and sustainability of personal and institutional self-belief in the face of draining external pressures and challenging critical incidents in the life of the school.
Flintham, A. (2008) 'Reservoirs of Hope': Sustaining Passion in Leadership,
in Davies B. And Brighouse T. (2008) Passionate Leadership in Education, Sage, London