MACM knows Mississippi

  • MACM has a 44year relationship with its Physicians and Clinics.
  • MACM insures 2,500 physicians in Mississippi in all specialties.
  • MACM is involved in improving healthcare in Mississippi.
  • MACM supports medicine in Mississippi.
  • MACM is “A” rated by A. M. Best.


Physician Job Board

MS physicians can recruit physician positions and connect with potential candidates.

Continuing Medical Education

There are over 200 free online CME courses that are now available to all MACM physicians.

Request a Quote

Our team is here to answer any questions you might have.


Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi is an organization of physicians dedicated to providing sound, stable insurance products and quality related services to healthcare providers practicing in the state of Mississippi.

Core value

Our Services

Risk Management

MACM’s Risk Management Consultants provide in-services on a variety of topics to our insured physicians and clinic staff. If you are interested in any of the topics described below, please click here and you will be redirected to the Risk Management contact page.

Risk Management


MACM claims department is staffed by professionals with over 100 years of combined experience. From the minute you reach out, you will receive exceptional personal customer service. At MACM, we understand the unique risks that our members experience.


Risk Management Practice

Patient Care

Patient Care

Clinically appropriate and safe patient care given by the appropriate provider based upon education, training, and experience.



Clear and appropriate verbal communication. This aspect of risk management can occur between the patient and the provider, or branch out to include the patient’s family, other providers, the clinic and hospital staff, and any other segment of the healthcare system.



Complete and individualized documentation of every aspect of the care given to the patient. 

Risk Management Practice


Individual Professional Liability Application

Why Choose MACM?

Physician Owned
Physician Owned

In 1976, as a result of a medical malpractice crisis that existed in Mississippi, members of the Mississippi State Medical Association joined together to establish Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi. During these difficult times in the medical profession, many physicians could not purchase medical malpractice insurance for any price and chose to join together to create their own professional liability company to serve and support their needs.

MACM’s insureds benefit from physician involvement at every level. The Board of Directors and Committees consists entirely of practicing Mississippi physicians. Important decisions affecting insureds are made by their peers and by people who have vast experience with Mississippi’s medical/legal environment.

Equity Account
Equity Account

Created in 1991 by the Medical Assurance Company of Mississippi Board of Directors, the Equity Account was designed as a way to recognize physician members who were committed and faithful to the long-term viability of their professional liability insurance company. Now, more than 30 years later, the Equity Account remains one of the many benefits of coverage by MACM for existing and future members. Through the Equity Account, we can show appreciation for your time invested in MACM.